Category: Sober living

  • Rhinophyma: Causes, pictures, and treatment

    If you’re concerned about the effects of alcohol on your nose, you may want to consider cutting back on your consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to many other health problems, both short and long-term. These include liver damage, heart disease, cancer, mental health issues, and organ damage. Rhinophyma can affect anyone but is more…

  • Teen drug abuse: Help your teen avoid drugs

    It is essential to stay calm and maintain a neutral tone of voice to minimize the risk of flared emotions during the talk. Sharing one’s concerns calmly and clearly can help make the process less conflictual; however, the teenager may still become upset. Caregivers should be patient and keep calm as you let them work…

  • The Jellinek Curve: The 5 Stages of Alcoholism and Recovery

    So, while the debate over what words and definitions to use for addiction goes on, we must be practical in our thinking about providing effective treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. If we are to provide medication-assisted treatment and prescription digital therapeutics, we must do so within the context of clinical medicine. Therefore, we must…

  • What Is Cannabis? Facts About Its Components, Effects, and Hazards

    About 147 million people, 2.5% of the world population, consume cannabis (annual prevalence) compared with 0.2% consuming cocaine and 0.2% consuming opiates. In the present decade, cannabis abuse has grown more rapidly than cocaine and opiate abuse. The most rapid growth in cannabis abuse since the 1960s has been in developed countries in North America,…

  • Crack vs Meth: Are They the Same? Differences & Similarities

    By treating the crack epidemic with punitive measures and stigmatization while responding to the opioid crisis with compassion and public health strategies, the government acted in contradiction to these virtues. To uphold their own ethical principles, policymakers must ensure that drug policy reform is consistent with the virtues enshrined in the foundational documents of the…

  • Thought for the Day Daily Meditation

    Nature can also have a significant effect on your mental health and help relieve tension. While you can do a guided meditation with a therapist in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), there are also many guided meditation apps as well. The brain is the only organ that’s shaped by experience and practice, much like a muscle…

  • How to start an NA Meeting

    It is about admitting powerlessness in the face of addiction. If you want what we have to offer, and are willing to make the effort to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. For those who wish to participate, meetings will conclude with another reading of the Serenity Prayer along with ‘Just…

  • Neurotransmitters in alcoholism: A review of neurobiological and genetic studies PMC

    Dopamine release in the NAc shell may be instrumental in the development of alcohol dependence. Psychological dependence on alcohol develops because alcohol-related stimuli acquire excessive motivational properties that induce an intense desire to consume alcohol-containing beverages (i.e., craving). As a result of this intense craving, conventional reinforcers (e.g., food, sex, family, job, or hobbies) lose…

  • Why You Should Limit Alcohol Before Bed for Better Sleep

    This condition is serious and may lead to symptoms such as high blood pressure, tremors, and seizures. While not everyone who quits drinking will experience withdrawal, you are more likely to have symptoms if you have been drinking for a long time, if you drink heavily, and/or if you drink frequently. After half a year…

  • How to Build Self-Esteem During Recovery From an Addiction

    Lisa’s story is a stark reminder of how easily prescription drug use can spiral into addiction. A successful marketing executive and mother of two, Lisa’s life seemed picture-perfect from the outside. But behind closed doors, she was battling a crippling addiction to prescription opioids. If any area of your life is out of control,…